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Reading Room

For those who may not have seen this report from It is re-published here as it is of relevance to skills-universe members.

Public Service and Administration Minister Ayanda Dlodlo says education, training and skills development are critical as they afford society an opportunity to learn and progress.

Reading Room

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) has launched a call for tender called ‘Provision of services related to skills data and intelligence’.

The purpose of this contract is to provide support to Cedefop in relation to data analysis and intelligence on skills and labour markets, primarily for the Skills Panorama, through the following services:
a) engaging in data handling and analysis,

b) conducting research in the area of skills and labour market,

Reading Room



1. Are you tired of being frustrated by thesis/dissertation writing?

2. Are you frustrated with your advisor or not getting the individual support you need?

3. Are you struggling with writing methods?

4. Do you need help with the proposal/dissertation process?

Reading Room

To all accredited Training Providers: The DHET application for registration is actually closer than what we think it is.  

120 business days left to submit your application.  T

he deadline is 30 November 2018. 

Reading Room

Social media is an extremely powerful tool. No longer is being published on a platform - that the entire world can see - the sole domain of print media and limited to a selected few. Anyone can become a published author thanks to the Internet and social media.

This is an incredible powerful tool; however, some may abuse this power and, in the process, bring their employers into disrepute. The case of Hanniker v One and Only Cape Town (Pty) Ltd – 26 CCMA 8.37.9 illustrates this point:

Reading Room

Transformation in the workplace is a process to change the racial, gender and economic status of the workplace to reflect the South African population demographics. There are various pieces of legislation which have been enacted to transform South African businesses and society to ensure that all enjoy equal opportunities, fair treatment and thereby promote equal respect and dignity.

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and the Employment Equity Act

Reading Room

6-7 September 2018 - London School of Economics, UK

The Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER) at the London School of Economics (LSE) will hold its third annual conference on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September 2018.

Keynote speakers include:

• Professor Jeffrey Smith (University of Wisconsin)
• Professor Alexandra Spitz-Oener (Humboldt University of Berlin)

CVER would like to invite papers on any aspect of the economics of vocational education and training.

Reading Room
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Education is free in Cuba, and is one of the island nation’s top priorities.
Desmond Boylan/Reuters
Reading Room

When you watch TV stations and read media reports do you often wonder about the accuracy of the information?

Why is it that there is no growth post-apartheid? Why aren't we improving job availability in the labour market? Why does inequality seem to be growing?

What are the effects of unions, temporary employment services (TES), and the employment tax incentive (ETI)?

Now we are about to implement a National Minimum Wage - will that make a difference - or solve the problem?


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