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Reading Room

The submission dates for abstracts has been shifted to 31 March 2008.

This is a call for papers to the ILERA African Regional Congress to be held in Mauritius 7-9 July 2018.
It should be a very interesting conference and you are very likely to find a good niche for yourself in one of the seven sub-themes of the conference.

Please feel free to pass it on to anyone else you think may be interested in attending.

Details of the venue and costs and conference themes are available on:

ILERA African conference

Reading Room

Recently the DHET presented to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training on the revised Addis Convention on the recognition of studies, certificates, diplomas, degrees, and other academic qualifications in higher education in African states.
Please see attached for a quick summary the Powerpoint PresentationDHET (2018) Presentation to PPCHET on revised Addis Convention

Reading Room

Global Business Solutions will be hosting a 2 day WSP/ATR Practical Submission Session on the 15th & 16th of March 2018 at the CTICC (Cape Town International Convention Centre).

This 2 day workshop will assist you with the completion of your Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) which is due for submission no later than 30 April 2018. What makes this session different is that our Skills Expert @menethamel will give guidance whilst you capture your data in real time on the various SETA Online Grant Systems.

Reading Room

The Journal of Education has just published a very interesting article by Robert Prince on the relationship between the way school leaving success is measured, and the statistics on throughput at university level.
As an enormous amount of money is being invested in university student education, the rate of success becomes critical to ensure a return on that investment.
The article is free to access on this link: Journal of Education

Reading Room

The Self Defense Company by Damian Ross is the ultimate resource for self-defense online training & courses for everyone, men, women, kids and seniors.

Reading Room

My wife and I have been reading Richard Carlson’s Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. It sounds easy: identify the small stuff in your life and let go. But, no. The real challenge is the subtitle: ... And It’s All Small Stuff.

Reading Room

Online learning company Getsmarter made the headlines this year when it was announced, on Skills Universe before anywhere else, that they had been acquired by US online learning giant 2U. The deal was valued at USD104 million and matched Getsmarter's short courses with the degree and diploma courses offered by 2U.

Speaking after the acquisition, CEO and co-founder Sam Paddock said that the company would be ramping up their office in Cape Town. Well things are well underway with 60 current vacancies across 9 departments.

Reading Room

Joe Samuels did a very good interview with CEDEFOP - the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - on the NQF contribution to societal transformation. See YouTube video:

Reading Room

Hi all,

RevoQuest is a consulting company with SETAs experience helping new and developing SDPs with accreditations, finding assessors, moderators and learning material. We also help with new branch facilitations & management for expanding providers. For more details contact me on 083 313 0546.

Reading Room

There is a place for TVET colleges and there is a need for our youth to consider attending these colleges. Technical, Vocational, Education and Training Colleges or TVET colleges are different to universities in that they offer many of the essential courses to ensure the achievement of the skills and training needed that are essential to the South African Economy.

South Africa is in need of Educated, qualified and experience people with the right skills to assist in growing the economy.


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