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Reading Room

Minister Meth of Employment and Labour has issued an updated National Minimum Wage schedule, effective 1 March 2025. 

Schedule 2 of this gazette lists the payment to learners on Learnerships - by National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level, and level of credits towards the qualification achieved to date by the learner. 

Reading Room

Herkulaas MvE Combrink, University of the Free State

You’ll be hearing a great deal about artificial intelligence (AI) and education in 2025.

National Strategy

Skills development is often interpreted as the remedy for scarce skills – supplying skilled people for the labour market. Skills that are in short supply and considered critical to the economy are identified, providing evidence in support of Critical Skills Work Visas enabling foreign nationals to obtain visas to work in the country.

EE Amendment Act Proclamation

The amendments to the Employment Equity Act require that designated employers work to numerical targets that are set by the department - per sector - for senior levels of employee.

The following schedule lists the consultation meetings with dates and times. 

Pedro Tabensky, Rhodes University

A typical student wants a university degree as a ticket to a salary. For this young person, education is a journey towards “having”. And the way to complete the journey is mainly to remember, repeat or reproduce what the teacher says and does.

Reading Room

Report edited on 2nd December 2024.

The purposes of the amendments to the EEA Act 55 of 1998 are explained as: 


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