
QCTO Survey - time for skills practitioners to participate

By sylviahammond, 20 November, 2023

The Quality Council for Trades & Occupations (QCTO) has commissioned Vulindlela Human Resource Technology to conduct a survey - requesting Skills Development Providers to contribute their experience of the QCTO services. 

Now this is the time to contribute - what is it that QCTO are doing right/wrong, what do you require, how should the QCTO be positioned for the future?

We often hear complaints about slow service, but if you don't take the time to participate, then your complaint loses credibility. 

The survey is attached, so you can complete it and forward to [email protected]  

If you have difficulty opening the attachment, then you can also email that address to obtain the survey document.

QCTO survey.pdf (221.85 KB)


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