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Occupational Health & Safety & Regulations
Occupational Health & Safety & Regulations
This article is not strictly related to occupational health, but is published as it is of general relevance.
I have been a training provider for First aid for the past 10 years odd, with the new "seta legislation" the force companies to register with the relevant Seta, thus in this case HWSeta.
We have literally tried everything to get registered with them and they keep refusing to register based solely on 1) One of the company directors must have undergone a one year course with the HWSeta and 2) Must have a BEE partner.
The latest one is "We don't provide accreditation for small courses as First Aid". So... now what?
In the SONA our new President Ramaphose spoke of the Constitutional responsibility of authorities for efficiency and effectiveness - not just corruption - not wasting our taxpayer money. So after following the discussion on the implications of the DoL and QCTO decisions, I would like to table this thought.
if you haven't been following,(it is long & complicated) this is the link:
Full discussion on first aid training requirements
The following post was made by Eduard Rabie.
I have reposted in this group for discussion.
We received the following communication from SAIOSH regarding the regulations surrounding 1st Aid Training. I believe this is going to kill the SMME providers and only benefit the large providers.
Hi , I come from a mining background and have experience working with the following two Seta... namely MQA and Merseta .... in fact back in the day 1998 I built a training centre in Maputo and got full "metal industries " now mertseta accreditation for my engineering training centre.
For the past 16 years its been mainly MQA...... an I have kinda got used to their quality systems.
The MQA like all organisations have their own issues ..... but as a mine or training provider you simply keep to the rules ... or face the consequences ....
How to manage occupational Illhealth in the work place & how to educate employees??
I am writing this in response to the “Notice in direction in terms of section 27(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, read with regulation 3(4)(a) of the General Safety Regulations” given by the Minister of Labour dated the 30th September 2016.
“Regulation Gazette No 40313, 30 September 2016, Vol 615 No 10644, Page 24”
In this notice the following is stated by the Minister.