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While the OH&S Act requires that employers train H&S Reps, we tend to forget that it also demands that employers authorise and train OH&S Act Section 8 (2) (i) appointees [LOOK IT UP].
We have squandered millions of Rands on H&S Reps who come and go; H&S Reps who have no duties (other than those of employees). H&S Reps who have "optional" functions and H&S Reps who as volunteers "may", or if they don't feel like it, "may not" fulfil these discretionary functions. If they don't, the employer can do very little about it.
While H&S Reps have the right to provide valuable input, H&S Rep's disinternest, lack of commitment and non-participation in OHS is apparently NOT a Labour Relations matter and a huge FAIL in most OHS Management Systems. Employers spend an inordinate amount of time, money and resources on H&S Reps. Many tend to see H&S Reps as the panacea to their OHS problems. Train them yes. It's a legal requirement and common sense.
But how about your focusing 75% your attention, efforts and budget on your "KEY to compliance"?
Why ignore your MOST VALUABLE resource in your OHS arsenal? Why not equip, train and rely on your "authorised" Section 8 (2) (i) appointees? They are your "authorised" eyes and ears. They are the "enforcers". They hold the power. They represent the employer. They have compulsory duties and yet they have been overlooked, forgotten and ignored in most OHS Management programmes.
So ... give your Section 8 (2) (i) appointees priortity in your training schedule. Reallocate a significant portion of your annual OHS training budget to training them.
You can start this process by using the customisable SUPERTRAC Trainer's Kit and rectify this problem in 2017.
Remember you CAN do your own OHS training. Visit www.intrasafe.co.za for more info.