
Seta registration refusal

By gerharduspetrusmalan, 25 January, 2020

I have been a training provider for First aid for the past 10 years odd, with the new "seta legislation" the force companies to register with the relevant Seta, thus in this case HWSeta.

We have literally tried everything to get registered with them and they keep refusing to register based solely on 1) One of the company directors must have undergone a one year course with the HWSeta and 2) Must have a BEE partner.

The latest one is "We don't provide accreditation for small courses as First Aid". So... now what?

I have literally tried everything, as a result South Africa has failed me and my workers, thus I registered with an American company to be able to continue giving training.

The DoL are having hissy fits about it, but yet it is "International training" as they want.


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