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Jet Education Services has published the pre-publication mapping document, which is a foundational move to the creation of a Qualifications Framework for the continent of Africa.
This is the background explanation copied from the site:
"The African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) is a policy initiative of the African Union (AU) and its development process started in 2019, building on a wide range of ongoing continental processes, specifically Agenda 2063, the Continental education strategy for Africa (CESA), and more recently also the ‘Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area’ (Afcfta). The current vision for the ACQF is to enhance comparability, quality and transparency of qualifications from all sub-sectors and levels of education and training; to facilitate recognition of diplomas and certificates, and mobility of learners and workers; to work in complementarity with national and regional qualifications frameworks, to support developments at national and regional levels; and to promote cooperation and alignment between qualifications frameworks (national and regional) in Africa and worldwide."
Please access the Jet site on this link to download the pre-publication mapping document: