When posting please remember that you are wanting to create a business relationship - whether a contract or work relationship. Use your post to present a professional image of yourself & if relevant, your organisation. In addition to what you are looking for, provide your name, title, and contact details.
I am continually being asked by members to advise them on how to become an assessor. In addition I am asked by many qualified assessors to advise them on how to register as an assessor with a SETA. This latter question always surprises me as I was of the impression that training providers who train assessors would cover this as part of training. Anyway - to assist those wishing to become assessors here is a very basic outline of the steps to follow.
Firstly ask yourself what subject matter you feel you can be classified as a subject matter in. This will form the basis of the subject matter you might later assess.
You would then register with a training provider to study the unit standard 115753 "Conduct outcomes based assessment". You do not have to meet any entry level requirements to undergo this training but you should have some "evaluative expertise within the area of learning you intend to assess". You should understand the subject matter and be capable of testing others in relation to the subject matter you wish to assess.
On completion of the training you will have to complete a portfolio of evidence (POE). The completion of the POE should take place over a period of time following training so that you can apply the practical knowledge you have gained. Personally I do not believe you can be classified as a qualified assessor if you have not gained this practical knowledge and if you complete the POE as part of your training. You should put in 150 hours of study as required and not 30 hours as some providers advocate.
Once you have submitted your POE for assessment and you have been assessed as competent your POE will be moderated and then verified by the ETDP SETA and your results will be confirmed.
The ETDP SETA will issue an official statement or results (SOR) confirming your competence. This statement of results is the only legal confirmation of your competence and will be required as you go forward.
On receipt of your statement of results you would then apply to one of the SETAS to register as an assessor and for approval to assess specific unit standard based programmes and qualifications based on your subject matter expertise.
The SETA will issue a confirmation of your registration and will provide a registration number and details of the unit standards and or qualification which you are approved to assess. The SETA is in fact confirming your subject matter expertise.
Once you are in possession of these two documents you may then commence assessment with or for a training provider or educational institution.
Note; you may only assess unit standards and/or qualification for which you have approval from a SETA.
I hope this helps in clarifying the procedure. Good luck.