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Many social problems can be traced to difficult interpersonal communication just as many proposed interventions to solve social ills and other related issues also depend on effective interpersonal communication.
The Skills Universe is our forum and a means of communicating with others who are involved in similar business ventures or who have similar interests in life. It is my involvement and interaction with others through this medium of communication that prompted me to write this brief article.
Many of the discussion topics I see on the Skills Universe and Skills Portal appear to go unnoticed. Perhaps they are not – perhaps readers do not feel inclined to comment or to express their opinion. Then what is the point of the portal and the various discussion topics? Why are we so reluctant and/or afraid to comment and offer opinion?
This form of communication is a means of self education, a means of clarifying understanding, a means of solving communication problems. It is a possible means of reducing stereotyping and cross-cultural misunderstanding.
Although interpersonal communication can encompass oral, written, and nonverbal forms of communication, the term is usually applied to spoken communication that takes place between two or more individuals on a personal, face-to-face level. In this particular instance this is not possible so we communicate making use of the written word.
Here we have a great means of communicating with others outside of the workplace and outside of our normal circle of friends and acquaintances. We have an opportunity of communicating with others who are willing to share experiences and knowledge. We have a means of seeking answers to questions and concerns. We have a dynamic and willing support group. We have friends we have never met and never thought we had.
In order to understand the principles of effective interpersonal communication, it is helpful to look at the basic process of communication.
The basic process of communication begins when “a fact is observed or an idea formulated by one person”. The observation or idea is put in message format and transmitted through some form of communication. The person receiving the message must interpret the message and provide feedback. The feedback may indicate the message has been understood or it can indicate the receiver disagrees or it can solicit elaboration and/or clarification”.
This is what I feel is not happening so we are losing a great opportunity. In some instances when someone comments they are shot down by others. No one has the right to tell anyone they are wrong, (your opinion differs to mine) we are all entitled to our personal opinions. So let’s start communicating. So may problems in society and SA as a whole can be solved if we just communicate and in particular take time to listen to others.
I am suggesting we communicate more through the medium of the Skills portal and the Skills Universe as we can all learn so much by doing so.