
ETDPSETA AIMS LMS Functionality and non-operational issues

By PWODC, 29 September, 2023

I am once again trying to ascertain other ETDPSETA Skills Providers who are experiencing the same issues, to once again as a group arrange a meeting with the ETDPSETA. I have consulted attorneys and are willing to legal take this matter further. If there are any ETDPSETA Providers that are experiencing the same issues, kindly, please contact me and support the action. There will be no financial requests on you, but I need numbers to setup a committee, conduct a survey again, and provide these to our legal consultant should the ETDPSETA not respond. After submitting a formal letter explaining my concerns and the issues that are being experienced already in January of this year, trying every week to obtain feedback and response, I have received nothing.  I’ve sent yet a formal letter to the CEO of ETDPSETA and the ETDQA Manager to investigate the matter- it is now four days that have passed with no response and no one returning calls. The DHET and QCTO will now be approach to remediate the action and if nothing happens a legal route will have to follow . If you can kindly support this action even if you would like to remain anonymous, email me at [email protected] or [email protected] or send me a WhatsApp message at 060 652 6930. I would be very grateful for your participation and support.

A summary of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance™ for South Africa, 2016

King IV™ builds on its predecessors’ positioning of sound corporate governance as an essential element of good corporate citizenship. Good corporate governance requires an acknowledgement that an organisation doesn’t operate in a vacuum, but is an integral part of society and therefore has accountability towards current and future stakeholders. With the introduction of an ‘apply and explain’ regime, King IV™ asks organisations to be transparent in the application of their corporate governance practices.

King IV™ reinforces the notion that good corporate governance is a holistic and interrelated set of arrangements to be understood and implemented in an integrated manner – good governance is not a tick-box or compliance exercise. King IV™ asks for mindful application of the King IV Code™ and for its recommended practices to be interpreted and applied in a way that is appropriate for the organisation and the sector in which it operates. Mindful application harnesses the benefits of corporate governance in the interests of the organisation.


Risk, governance and internal control have never been higher on the boardroom agenda as the board faces growing pressure from stakeholders. The internal audit function should play a critical role in the corporate governance framework by providing independent assurance that protects the business against risk, informs strategic decision-making and improves overall performance. However, many boards are not getting optimum value from their internal audit function and are potentially exposing themselves to major risks. Our key strength is that we not only ensure that clients gain access to our extensive experience and knowledge of best practice as leading internal audit service providers.



33. Just administrative action

1. Everyone has the right to administrative action that is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair.

2. Everyone whose rights have been adversely affected by administrative action has the right to be given written reasons.

3. National legislation must be enacted to give effect to these rights, and must ­

a. provide for the review of administrative action by a court or, where appropriate, an independent and impartial tribunal;

b. impose a duty on the state to give effect to the rights in subsections (1) and (2); and

c. promote an efficient administration.

22. Freedom of trade, occupation and profession

Every citizen has the right to choose their trade, occupation or profession freely. The practice of a trade, occupation or profession may be regulated by law. The ETDPSETA are causing the inability to trade and generate income.

32. Access to information

1. Everyone has the right of access to ­

a. any information held by the state; and

b. any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.

2. National legislation must be enacted to give effect to this right, and may provide for reasonable measures to alleviate the administrative and financial burden on the state.


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