
Document to DHET - Why it is so hard to understand the SD sub-sector

By sylviahammond, 13 June, 2020

To all members of skills-universe,
The urgent need for Criteria and Guidelines for skills development sub-sector.

It becomes apparent to me how national decision-makers have less than a full grasp of the economic implications of their decisions for the skills development sub-sector.

This includes the economic impact for employers, and the financial hardship for many practitioners, those employed within the sector, and for youth and adult learners.

I felt it necessary to try to exercise some leadership and intervene positively. My thanks to the many skills-universe members - both online and off-line, who assisted me in preparing this document.

Please see attached, the document I prepared. Please circulate it widely to anyone you think could make a difference in getting the skills development sub-sector of PSET actively functioning again.

The references include the Draft Report of the National Planning Commission on PSET. I have included very small quotations in this document, but I will attach it to a separate discussion. Please read the section on "skills", and note the submittion date for comments.

I submitted the document in the early of this morning (13 June 2020) to a range of email addresses I have for DHET & the NSA, (not entirely sure which are appropriate) & copied QCTO & APPETD CEOs. This is my accompanying email.

"Dear all,
Please see attached a document put together in conjunction with members of the community.

There is enormous concern, frustration, and fear among private skills development providers that the sub-sector has not received Criteria and Guidance to re-open. Given that the sub-sector makes a daily contribution to the economy, whereas educational institutions have a considerable delay before their students will contribute, there is concern regarding the apparent lack of understanding and appreciation for the economic contribution that the sector makes.

Please see the attached prepared as a request to you for consideration in preparation of Criteria and Guidelines for private skills development providers.

Within the community there is at least one proposed draft available, which may also assist to speed up this process - as many fear simply going out of business. The impact upon employers should they be unable to comply with the range of legislation - because there is no private provider available - is too horrendous to contemplate.

Please can we work together to speed up re-entry of private skills development providers to the workplace.

Should any further clarification or information be required, I will be more than happy to oblige."


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