
2024 - Potentially a Year of Transformation

By sylviahammond, 7 January, 2024

In 2024, 40 countries will be holding national elections 

These include the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Russia; a number of north and central Africa countries; those closest to us in Africa are: Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, and Mauritius; and critically of course, ourselves - South Africa.

As in every election year there will be new young voters, who have come of age in the last five years. Young people are notoriously bad at registering and voting - the general rule is that it's the older people who vote. But maybe this year will be different.

Why? Well, our national growth rate is far too low to accommodate all the young people leaving school looking for work. Statistics South Africa confirms that young people are the most seriously affected by the high rate of unemployment - 

the Quarterly Employment Survey and 

the Quarterly Labour Force Survey

Additional issues of loadshedding, and poor service delivery may well motivate more young people to vote.

What do they need to consider? 

Where have we come from - pre-1994? 

What have we achieved in education and training since 1994, against what we set out to do? 

Have our goals changed, and if so how? 

Are we going in the right direction in terms of education and training?

These questions will feature in the following editorials. For today, the introductory article in the Reading Room is the Tribute to Peter Magubane - a wonderfully talented and extraordinarily brave man, who used his camera to provide a pictorial history of South Africa under apartheid.  


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