

This FAQ was inspired by media reports that confuse EE and BBBEE.

Employment Equity (EE) and Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) are two entirely different concepts, based on two different statutes, and with different intentions. 

The Employment Equity Act (55 of 1998) has the overall objective of removing discrimination in the workplace. In addition, the act promotes the development to senior and executive positions of people who were previously excluded under the apartheid legislation. 

The Employment Equity Act (EEA) reports use the Paterson job grade levels to compare the recruitment and advancement of the employees, who are part of the population groups disadvantaged by the apartheid legislation. 

The job grade levels are classified from junior to senior as A to F, with each level further divided into Upper and Lower, with 2 sub-divisions of upper, and 3 sub-divisions of lower. Only to lowest grade F - unskilled - is not subdivided.

F = Top Management - Executives

E = Senior Management (click on title for remaining levels)

The Commission for Employment Equity (CEE) produces an annual report on the progress of implementation by employers of the Employment Equity Act (EEA). The report identifies the National Economically Active Population (NEAP). The national population is then compared with representation of previously disadvantaged groups in the various executive and management levels of employers - as reported by employers.

Latest report (23rd published in 2023) available on the following link:

Designated employers are required to report annually to the Department of Employment and Labour. Reporting starts on the 1 September. The closing date for manual reports is the end of October. The closing date for online reports is the 15 January of the following year.  

The Reading Room section is intended for reviews and information on books, journal articles, and Research Reports issued by Government departments and institutions such as SAQA and the QCTO. The intention is to provide updates on publications, with links on where to obtain the documents and publications.

free access to content on , international bodies. y-  information posts, such as legal changes, where documents such as a copy of the relevant Government Gazette can be added. 

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