
Assistance Needed With Services SETA Accreditation

By CelesteLackay, 1 January, 1970

Good morning All!

I really have no words left to express my anger and frustration I am currently experiencing and it is my sincere hope that someone here can help me by answering the following questions:-

  1. I have been made aware that the deadline for accreditation with Services SETA as SDP's is set for the end of March 2018. Is this true? What happens / will not happen after this date?
  2. The SDP I am assisting has been training in project management (non-aligned) for an extended period and now want to have unit standard 252022 accredited. Yesterday Nompumelelo told me that the LMIS system will not allow me to load this US because it is a fundamental for 59201. Am I thus correct in assuming that the SDP MUST apply for the accreditation of either the full qualification 59201 or randomly select a skills programme that is registered against this qualification, even though they have no immediate intention of conducting training for the full qualification or skills programme - unlike the ETDP SETA and MERSETA, for example?
  3. ITO of accreditation for the delivery of this unit standard as a standalone, what do you suggest I do?


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