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Reading Room

Registrations Open for 2018 Academic Year

Register now for the following program:

  • Financial Accounting (NQF3 to NQF6)
  • Business Management (NQF3 to NQF6)
  • Office Administration (NQF3 to NQF6)
  • Small Business Financial Management (NQF3 to NQF6)

Above programs can be linked to learnerships and all programs add up on the B-BBEE Skills Development Scorecard

Contact Lynn Duke or Jacques de Villiers

011 534 8449

Growth Institute

Reading Room

We have seen that most of our clients do not understand what learnerships are and more importantly why they must do them. Most companies think it is waste of time and money. We have done some market research, to explain why learnerships are important and compiled detailed articles on how to get the 25 points for BBBEE (with examples).

Please read the following articles and feel free to provide comments on how we can improve them.

Reading Room


I need guidance with designing a financial model for a training department. My department is growing and have recently received accreditation with merSeta however I need to change the mind-set of many who view L&D Department as a support structure that is pushing paper. I need to show the department as a self funding division that can generate profit.

Our centre is not open for public due to sensitivity of the business and ARMSCOR clearance will be require prior to extending our services to the public. The plan is to:-

Reading Room

Online auctions have made life easier for many people and have become a popular option when buying cars. You won’t experience the chaos found in a traditional auction house and you’ll have the peace of mind of buying the vehicle from your own home. Below are a few pros and cons of buying your car online:


Reading Room


Remember how Cinderella's shoe didn’t fit other people? Some of the princesses squeezed their big feet into her shoe but the glass slipper would not give way. And you may be going through the same thing, forcing yourself into a situation that doesn’t fit. It could be the latest diet fad, a friendship, a new fitness craze, the perfect ponytail or anything really.

Reading Room


Imagine you're on your deathbed and you're 80 years old. And you have a second chance to come back to life right at this moment. What would you do with your time? Would you choose to take better care of your health? Would you spend more of your time playing with your kids rather than working on a Saturday? Would you buy the ticket to Paris instead of investing in a depreciating asset? The way you spend today will impact the quality of your life. And you should spend it wisely.

Be responsible

Reading Room

Having studied along the lines of human resources and legal courses, you may be wondering where a good place would be to start gaining some work experience. Starting out as a Personal Assistant is an easy way to get your foot in the door and gain experience in all the areas of your chosen industry.

Apply application etiquette

Reading Room


All leaders are not made equal. There are certain characteristics which separate average leaders from exceptional ones. Great leaders have power, influence and the drive to direct their team and help them achieve their end goals. They are not passive but are action orientated. And they also inspire their team to reach greater heights.

Here are a few characteristics of great leaders.

Be enthusiastic

Reading Room

Can training providers be accredited to offer any of the qualifications registered on the NQF? The answer is Yes and No, depending on the type of qualification.


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