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Reading Room

Invitations have gone out to providers to comment on the draft amendments on the regulations for regsitration for Higher Education Institutions. I'd be interested to see how many of you have seen the Government Gazette and have had an opportunity to comment.

Reading Room

Is cheating in an exam going to be an on-going problem? I first encountered exam cheats at school. Years ago I was naive to think that this does not happen when dealing with adults but was I so wrong. Over the years I have specialised in the area of distance learning and worked for many of the colleges in South Africa and abroad. It's an on-going battle! Are there only some of us in the world that expect that you actually do need to study and gain the skills before going to write an exam?

Reading Room


I need people that can design 3 courses for me or if possible purchase these courses, but would like to have it with my company logo ect, is there help out there? please assist

 Secretarial Training
 PRO Training
 Admin Training

Reading Room

What will happen to the Setas?

Every five years the training authorities, the Setas, come up for renewal. In 2004 there was talk of radical changes but in the end only two Setas were merged with others.

In October this year we will hear if the Seta system is to be adjusted slightly, or in for a major overhaul.

The Setas representing the financial, banking and insurance sectors were considered for a merger in the last shake-up and this possibility has been discussed this year as well.

Reading Room

When admiring a good band playing, a person may comment that the band was “tight” - meaning that every chord is spot on, that every member of the band came in exactly on time & that they finish together - clear & sharp.
In writing there is an equivalent - a well written article where nothing is superfluous - in the content or in words used – and a graphic picture is painted.

Reading Room

If you're in Education, Training or even the business of education and training, does it not strike you as odd that although the market for the provision of such services is saturated, there is STILL such a huge need in all sectors?

For me the logic seems simple enough: 1 + 1 = 2 - need the skills, get the skills, use the skills. But why then, is this formula not so evident in the market place? Why is there still such huge gaps in the useage of skills? Is it a perception? What exactly IS the reality?

Reading Room

The global financial melt down has brought untold misery to countless organizations and has put so much pressure on the leadership of many organizations. It is time for the leadership of these organizations to take a hard look at the skills-base and look for people who can help them out of their predicament. The global financial melt down risk can be managed without closing down your organization. If you are one of those CEOs who have run out of options or run out of run-way. We can help you out. We can give you a life-line, a cushion, a breathing space, and a peace of mind.

Reading Room

Hi all, its good to know that there is a whole new world out there to communicate with regarding assessments, POE's etc. I'm registered with INSETA and in the process of registering with Services Seta as well. If there is anyone looking for people to assess Portfolios of Evidence for Banking and Insurance or do examination script marking, please let me know. I find the whole facilitiation, moderating, assessing quite fascinating, it opens up new avenues for people who want to try something different from what they are doing, but also enhancing skills that they may already have.

Reading Room

OF SCHOOL (NCS Grades 10 – 12) and
FET COLLEGE (NCV Levels 2 – 4)

Reading Room

I am interested in information regarding learner success rates for SDF workshops. Various Providers are offering courses of between 4 and 8 days in duration and it seems that many Learners loose interest after attending contact sessions and never submit their portfolios.


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